Hey - TeaPartiers! (I muster a LOT of energy from refraining from that derogatory term, because I respect your desire to be treated with civility.)
I can totally respect your desire not to pay taxes for services that you don't want. But I do want those services. Here's a great idea! How about you don't pay any taxes, and therefore you do not receive any services of taxes. You can pay separately for EVERYTHING. Even your use of the roads can be paid with fees via EasyPass.
Every public service you use can be itemized and paid for in fees.
I think this is a great idea, because human societies that survive and thrive do so collectively. There are no great civilizations founded by a bunch of individuals who refuse to work together, who refuse to share. A collective effort has exponential rewards which we can see recorded in human history as well as the history of many other species. The ants, bees, birds, all herding animals, lion prides, schools of fish, flocks of birds.... they all know this. Why don't you? I don't have time to figure that out though and I do not want to be dragged down into your insistence of withdrawing from our society.
So how about you just organize efforts to officially withdraw from our society and pay fees when you want the services that society provides? This will certainly satisfy your strong desire to avoid sharing with others. If your kids go to our society's schools, if you need an ambulance, if you commit a crime and are relegated to our prisons - you can pay for it out of your own pocket! Wouldn't that be great? No more taxes, woohoo!
And then, the rest of us, the majority of us, can continue in the effort to better ourselves as individuals and families via the effort to better our society.
And maybe if that doesn't work maybe we could just give you Houston.